Sara’s great grandmother will soon be 87 years old. Time has passed over her lining her face with its marks, yet, despite its passing, each of Sara’s visits breathes life into her. Childhood in its entire splendor – a stepping stone between generations which we remember with the joy of the first snow.
Great grandma Maiia (Maria) and her little house have the valence of fulfilled childhood, in the place where Sara learns about the joy in all its forms. Each season gives Sara a new door towards knowledge and this it always happens under the roguish curtain of unenclosed free game, assumed in its liberty.
Because we encourage independent exploring, Sara moves freely, passing in review all the animals from the courtyard.
Labus (the dog), slightly wilder, became quickly aware that there is something with her and that because not many people step into its area, overthrew her with all its manifestation of joy.
Sara already knows that not all “hamii” (the way she calls the dogs) are very active in socialization, yet at her grandmother’ she cheerfully went scouting, ignoring the mud and the “harness” parked at one end of the chain.
Her greatest pleasure was feeding the poultry. Therefore, at every visit, armed with grains or bread she goes to meet the small flock. The rooster makes trouble for her and almost every time steals the bread from her hand, forcing an oblong and heavy “heeei” as a reaction.
After the afternoon sleep, Sara and her father (that would be me) go for a walk in the meadows, where a totally different universe expects to show off its seasonal garment. The tree hugging, looking at the sky and listening to the wind caressing the foliage of the high crowns are part of the background of the experience. Then, Sara asks questions when she could not find her own answers or gets lost in exploring, stepping curious over the trails.
Life in the countryside is joyful and has a multitude of qualities related to it, so I can hardly imagine a more convenient childhood place.
The city and its deafening hum provide only superficial answers to questions that often remain unasked. Disconnecting from nature, the constant noise and ado prevent us from feeling ourselves, not even the connections with what it is.
Grandma Maiia learned to accept our different way of raising Sara and adapted rapidly. “May I kiss you, Sara?” can be addressed now without expectations, because Sara is enjoying the human warmth and especially the love that springs from a “more reasoning” soul after 86 springs.
Children need such a liberty, to feel free and to explore each den, even if the bobs from their clothes add rapidly. Modernity has created solutions also for this problem, but, still, the most common deterrent example from the playgrounds remains: “Don’t bedraggle!” Sara’s clothing is full of marks, either from the rooster which has stolen the bread from her hand, or from the rubbing done by Labus. Despite all the traces they shine under the light smile brought by the joy of freely exploration in Grandma Maiia’s yard.