We are two adults whose bodies have reached maturity and one “adult” who still remembers how “this thing about corporality functions”, and whose body is still growing. The three of us are active characters in our own journey and our efforts are concentrated on bringing and maintaining the joy of being around us.

Obviously, it requires far more effort and consciousness, the effort being directed at multiple levels meant to help us to be better, warmer, more open, and more willingly. So, every time when there is an opportunity to be around those who already have experienced joy and share it joyfully with us, we appear open to new experiences and, above all, feelings. Such an opportunity is given by the meetings with Cristela (Georgescu) and her contributions to a better “man”, and thus to a better “we”. She does it openly; warm, gently and with a smile that reflects the joy of being in that moment, along with other human beings.

“There is nothing to worry about” is just a name given to her meetings. A meeting, however, that establishes and focuses skillfully and with heat the link between us, human beings incarnated here on earth, of our perceptions, our projections about these perceptions and the choices we make later. The door wide open by Cristela’s soul leaves you to look life in the eye beyond … “worry”. Someone once said that “the danger can be anything but real, but the fear is only a mental projection”.

Cristela tells us that we need to accept that fear has found its home in us, but what we can do in addition is to replace the need for control with confidence. Obviously, this is not trivial or ignorance, rather it is what Eckhart (Tolle) calls “accept what is as it is”; in other words do not comply with automatic thoughts, which however do not originate in “the Source”, rather they stem in old automatisms. Look at your life with serenity and joy, it is what you live in the “here and now” regardless of the myriad possible interpretations.

Cristela’s words come from personal experience and the desire to constantly get informed, so each time Cristela accumulates enough information, she shares it with people around. It is true that the conference places are limited, but before anything, Cristela is present online, communicates and informs, and most importantly makes us remember how important the community is.

I will not venture to render or the discussion topics tackled by Cristela. I’m sure that over time she herself will continue the talks through her blog. But I can tell you that the experience of the presence in the room packed with open-minded people open was a deep one. I am glad that I was there, I am glad that in that place I found myself with dear people, good people that life lay on your path because you certainly have something to learn from them and from the relationship with them. Cristela brought me the humility of the joy to be here and now. I have not lost it, but moving near her I felt her getting stronger. I am glad that Sara and Gabriela were also nearby. Together we can work ourselves and as Gandhi said, we can change the world by changing us.

You can find Cristela’s facebook profile here: https://www.facebook.com/cristelageorgescu?hc_ref=SEARCH&fref=nf

and her blog here: http://cristelageorgescu.ro/

a very important event in May here: http://cristelageorgescu.ro/event/seara-pentru-inima/